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Welcome 2020 Tokyo Olympic FDC and Aerogramme

I am mainly collecting all worldwide Olympic stamps, both of mint set, FDCs, commemorative postmarked covers/postcards on Olympic events, also any type Olympic related philatelic items.

Wecome for all philatelic exchange proposals, please let me know your collections and favorite topics.

Please send me real posted 2020 Tokyo Olympic
FDCs, also any related souvenir covers, aerogramme to my address, I will reply thematic stamps from

George WU
P.O. Box 4-155,
Yungho, Taipei 23499,
Republic of China.

My email:

Gulfmann Maxicards Collection

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

NORTH MACEDONIA ~ 2020 Tokyo Olympic

2020 Tokyo Olympic
January 13, 2021